Today is Small Business Saturday so just a quick reminder that as you begin the shopathon that may constitute your life leading up to Christmas please keep your local retailers in mind. Especially (of course!) the book stores. I happened to stop by the University Book Store here in Seattle and was dazzled and enthralled by how creative they are with their displays and what adorable and fun options they have for gift-giving.
First stop on my way through the store- book trees, a charming and creative use of old, damaged books!
One of many adorable ornament displays throughout the store- Christmas penguins, raccoons and mice!
I love these wrapping paper cut-outs of birds leading you to the books for bird lovers.
One of the most dangerous tables in the store- Christmas treats. Ostensibly for Santa but in my house there’s no way the dark chocolate bars are going to last until Christmas Eve.
More calendars and day planners than I’ve ever seen in one place. A perfect gift because who doesn’t want to be more organized? And they’re pretty, too!
More fabulous book art as well as a paper tiger, both fittingly found on top of the art books.
Candles, tea mugs, and gingerbread, all watched over by a blinged out toy soldier. Add a book and it’s the perfect way to spend a holiday afternoon.
The final piece of proof that book stores carry so much more than just books. I want everything on this table.
THANK YOU for reminding people about Small Business Saturday! I visited Seattle last year for ABA’s Winter Institute and had so much fun checking out all the wonderful independent book stores — including University Books. My store (Lake Forest Book Store) outside of Chicago has really expanded its non-book offerings (called “sidelines” in the business), which I have mixed feelings about — great for the bottom line, but not so much fun for me to sell. I like talking to customers about books, not candles and knickknacks. But they do make beautiful displays and our customers love them — plus they bring in other customers who aren’t readers.
I imagine that could be hard! University Book Store is big enough that the two stores are almost separate- leaving the book sellers to do their thing and the blingy sales people to do theirs!