Happy new year, everyone! I hope you made it through the holidays and 2018 unscathed. I don’t know about the rest of you, but this year is going to be one of big change for me. Before I look forward, though, how about saying goodbye to my 2018 reading?
Thanks to book blogger Sarah’s Rock Your Reading Tracker, I now have more data about my reading than I know what to do with. You name it, I know it. If you’re a book nerd like me and love learning more about your reading habits then you should get this tool—it makes it so easy to track everything, from what you’ve read to the books you want to read.
As for 2019? Well, there are two changes, one in my personal life and one here at the blog. At the blog, I have finally decided to start putting purchase links with the book information. I have mixed feelings about supporting Amazon, but the costs of maintaining this blog have grown to the point that I need to try and recoup some of the costs. So, if you click on the link below the book cover and then purchase a book, I’ll earn a very small commission from Amazon. I don’t earn anything from Indiebound, but I believe in independent bookstores and want to support them. Buy local, if you can.
The personal change? Well…despite believing that Seattle was our last stop and we could settle in here, my husband’s company is relocating us to Ann Arbor, Michigan. We’ll be moving in the spring. It’s a lot to process. The difficult part is that we put so much time and effort into making this house the home we wanted to be in for the long haul and neither of us ever wanted to live anywhere with snow and subzero temperatures again (thanks to years spent living in Buffalo, Denver, and Salt Lake City). That aside, I know Ann Arbor is supposed to be a great small city so I’m trying to focus on that.
How about you? What are you looking forward to in 2019?
Meryl Cole says
Thanks for making 2018 a better, more well-read year! XX
Catherine says
Thank you so much for supporting my blog! We will get back to Portland!
Sarah's Book Shelves says
Dang, you read a lot of books! 100 more than I did…and, without much audio thrown in! I need to get crackin’!
Catherine says
You’re hilarious. You would read more if you weren’t so busy raising children, starting a podcast, and building a bookish empire!
susan says
Wow that’s big news. Sounds like you’ve moved a lot. What kind of company does your husband work for? It’s a bit sad you will be leaving Seattle (I did too in 1993) … but as you said Ann Arbor could be great too. I hope so. Also: that’s a hell of a lot of books you read this year?! The only way I could finish that much is if they were all picture books 🙂 Happy 2019.
Susie | Novel Visits says
Look at you! Your charts look great and I really like how you put them all in one graphic. That’s a lot of books and your December?!? I’m really hoping Ann Arbor turns out to be wonderful, but I’ll so miss having you close by. Thank goodness we live in the age of texting!
Harriet says
Thanks for your hard work, it has kept me partly sane in these very troubling times. I am sure that the move will be sad but Ann Arbor is a great place to live, there could be worse choices.
Anyway love your blog, thanks
Catherine says
Thank you so much for this kind comment! I’m sorry it took me so long to reply, but it didn’t show up until today. Reading is all that stands between me and being a raging lunatic these days. It does feel like it’s too much to take sometimes. Thank you, as well, for supporting my blog- it means so much to me to have readers like you.
Lauren says
“Happy” New Year, Catherine. Interesting tracking stats. Why the frown about ebooks? Seems you have a pretty good mix. And you’re READING, do what is easier. I’m interested that you find ebooks easier for reviewing, as I find the opposite. What is it that makes ebooks easier for you? Do you know Emily Reid (chowmeow)? She and her husband Graham moved to MI from NY last year and I believe they are in/near Ann Arbor. She would be a great person to hook up with, she’s really really lovely. I’m sorry you will be leaving the beloved PNW and your home, but I have no doubt you will create something special in MI.
Catherine says
I love the quotes! Sorry it took so long for me to reply, but this got caught in my spam filter which seems to be hyper-vigilant against legit commenters but freely lets through people who would love to help me with my SEO scores- for a fee, of course!
The frown is because, having been a librarian for most of my career, I’ve been a staunch advocate of print. I feel like I’ve caved, but my God, highlighting makes life so easy for reviewing and travel! Otherwise, I’m going through post-it flags like water. I also love the dictionary and Wikipedia- allowing me to learn words and other details from each book.
I do know Emily! We met at BEA in Chicago. We’ve been in touch and may even start a book club once I’m settled. Which would be wonderful. It’s not the city, it’s mostly the weather. The majority of my adult life has been spent in snow, ice, and freezing temps and I hate it. But I’ll adapt and then when Jed retires, we’ll come back!
Lauren O'Brien says
Your spam filter just has better judgment than you do. 🙂
It’s not caving! Reading is reading. And I take your point, but you’re not giving up print, you’re just broadening your reading horizons. I would have missed out on so many things if I stuck only to one medium.
So how do you deal with your highlights when reviewing? Do you export them to email? That’s what I do, but I find it much harder to deal with than being able to flip through my book/book darts.
Well, I’m sorry about MI but envious you get to be near Emily, she’s the bees knees.
Catherine says
I have the Kindle app on my iPad and there’s an icon that brings up the list of highlights and any notes I’ve written. Tapping them takes me to the section in the book so I can get right back into the author’s flow. It works easily as I just keep my ipad at my desk.