The Bestseller had two things going for it when I saw it in my library online catalog. One, it was Available Now so not hold list to wait through and two, the author’s name, Olivia Goldsmith, sounded ... Read More...
War of the Words: Amazon vs. Hachette
Once again, Amazon model of e-reader books and higher margins has escalated into Walmart-like bullying against vendors who won’t play their way—namely, continually lowering their prices until said ... Read More...
BookExpo America (BEA 2013)
Once a year, the publishing industry goes all out to promote its upcoming fall books. The conference is in New York City and is called BookExpo America (BEA). For book lovers it is like DisneyLand and ... Read More...
Wordstock is a weekend long literary festival that brings authors, publishers, readers, and would-be writers together in the book friendly mecca of Portland. I went last year and recorded my thoughts ... Read More...