It began with sunshine and smiles as my family found each other in the small confines of the airport in Florence and ended with shouts and threats seven days later in the same airport in the dark of ... Read More...
Arrivederci for Now
Happy Friday, readers! No review today because by noon I will be aboard a plane heading to Italy. Yes, the long awaited family vacation has arrived! For the next seven days I’ll be traipsing around ... Read More...
The Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty
Plenty of people go on vacation to lose themselves but probably not in the way of the narrator in Vendela Vida’s novel The Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty. She lands in Morocco and midway through the ... Read More...
Heads in Beds
Jacob Tomsky graduated from college with a degree in philosophy and no idea what he wanted to do. It is summer in New Orleans and before jumping a career and all that entails he decides to take a job ... Read More...