As someone who spends the majority of their time either reading or writing I sometimes think I would be more productive and/or creative if I could find the perfect space. This thought usually comes to me when I’m procrastinating because really, neither reading or writing take a lot of space. Still, a girl can dream, so here are some wonderfully diverse spots that would inspire even the most reluctant muse.
Modern non-fiction, contemporary fiction
Contemporary, New England-y fiction
Historical fiction- anything involving royalty, betrayal, and banishment. Also anything Gothic.
Drama with a focus on structure. Literary fiction.
British literature, dahling!
Forget reading- I just want to live here!
Oh wow, these are all just stunning!
My favorite space is at the beach or at a park that sits waterfront.
Gorgeous, right, Monika?! This may become a weekly feature- finding the photos is a lovely way to procrastinate!
Sitting on my bed is about as good as it gets right now. Would love to have a room/library though. That top pic looks heavenly, but I think all the windows would freak me out if I was reading something tension filled or Eden slightly scary.
It is a bit exposed, right?! Not sure I could totally relax. Would be great for writing, though!
Oh, these are beautiful, Catherine. I’d like that castle please. 🙂
My writing space is a downstairs bedroom turned office. A jumble of books, stacks of critiques, corkboard, a table and desk, as often as not messy (it certainly is right now, anyway).
Great photos. The fist one is my favorite for sure. Sure looks better than the ratty old couch in my office where i do most of my reading.
Ratty is all right if it’s comfortable. I had a couch like that and I loved it!
Oh my gosh some of those places are so adorable!
I do most of my blogging on the couch, in pajamas. I live a glamorous life. But my favorite place to read is outside, when it’s nice out. Especially near water. Nothing beats reading in a gently bobbing boat on a warm day.
I’m a water freak as well. I love being near the ocean but will settle for a stream! Hopefully, we’ll all be getting some good weather before too long.
Who wouldn’t just adore one of these little getaway cottages?! I want to move into that island castle.
Any one of these would be lovely, Catherine! But I particularly love the ocean views. My Brooklyn apartment is so small, my writing space doubles as my dining room table. 🙂
I remember seeing a photo of Virginia Woolf’s writing desk which overlooked a beautiful garden and thought that seemed idyllic.
What is it about water that makes it so inspirational? I love being near it.
A Brooklyn apartment?! My gosh, that is one of the most literary places to be these days! 🙂
My all-time favorite space to read is a tie:
Shady spot: On my porch, on a lounge chair with the ceiling fan going
Sunny spot: In the pool!!!!
You do need both- shade and sun because it depends on how you’re feeling and the weather.
OMG! Yes to all of these!! Especially the last picture. I wish I didn’t live in a cookie cutter home. I want to have one of those unique homes you find in an older neighborhood.
I agree with you until I start looking at old homes (which we’re doing right now) and you see teeny tiny bedrooms with no closets, single sink in the master bedroom, narrow steep stairs and low ceilings. Which leaves me liking old houses that have been gutted and updated!