We’re entering hour 5 now and I’m making good time on my first book Troika by Adam Pelzman. I’m on page 171 out of 274 so hoping I’ll finish within the next hour or two. I’m also trying to make time to visit all the great blogs who are participating. One of my favorites is River City Reading- where she gets the energy I’ll never know but she’s reading, tweeting, updating her blog, and keeping a spreadsheet of her progress. Check it out here: http://www.rivercityreading.com/2014/04/deweys-24-hour-readathon-update-post.html
I, on the other hand, have only just decided to give my warm space in bed (one of my favorite places to read) and have a power smoothie for my power reading. While I get acclimated to the day here is an amazing bookish video from Seattle Public Library. I’ll be back later and hope to have the energy these dedicated booklovers have!
Hour 7 beginning and I’ve just finished Troika. It may be odd to some of you but it has been so long since I have read a book by a male author! Not an intentional prejudice but I am more drawn to the female voice and experience. So, reading this was interesting. A good story but I definitely felt the masculine point of view- even in the female characters. Now on to book 2!
Sorry for disappearing but we had to go look at two houses and the resultant sulk of a mood left me unable to read. Enough whining, though. I got my mojo back and am on page 167 out of 301 in Steven Galloway’s The Confabulist– an interesting novel about Houdiini, the world of magic, and the cause of his death. Apparently, we’re up to hour 15 now. I’m hoping the night owl in me will keep going for as long as possible- maybe even through another book. Until then, I’m celebrating books, reading, and a husband who cooks dinner!
Heading into Hour 22 and I’m fading fast. I finished The Confabulist which was quite interesting. Now I’m back to female authors and female characters with Wonderland by Stacey D’Erasmo. Hopefully, reviews of all three of my Dewey’s Readathon reads will show up here in the near future. A special shout-out to all the great organizers and cheerleaders who make this event so much fun!
Shannon at River City Reading definitely has a lot of energy – seeing her enthusiasm is definitely helping keep me motivated as well!
You are doing a great job Catherine! Enjoy the rest of your readathon!
I went to bed SO early last night, like epic early. Plus, I had coffee, which I never do. So, I’m running on double doses of energy today. Thanks for the shout out 😉
That copy of Troika is gorgeous (I’ve seen the cover online, but from the spine I can tell how pretty it must look all over), hope it ends up being a good read to boot!
That book dominoes is amazing!!! Did you see the one I posted when I hosted hour 3????? It’s more of a video, like a short film type of thing.
I’ll second the Shannon admiration! Enjoy your next read. (Although, I don’t know about reading in bed – you may fall asleep!)
That was this morning, Kelly, because you’re correct- if I read in bed at night I’ll fall asleep sooner than I want.
I’ve noticed I tend to read more books by female authors too 🙂 I hope you’re still enjoying your read-a-thon and having fun reading!
It sounds like you recovered nicely! I hope you’ve done nothing but read GREAT books since your last update, Catherine! Thank you for taking part in the readathon!
That video from Seattle Pub Library is awesome. Hope the ‘thon is going well for you. We are into the tough hours now, so if you are still reading, stay strong!
Looks like you had a successful Read-A-Thon Catherine! I hope you enjoyed and look forward to seeing you next time as well!