It’s fortunate that as we head into the busiest time of year for family, shopping, travel and gatherings, the book world slows down. By and large throughout the year we book bloggers are held to a schedule of release dates and have to plan our reading and writing accordingly but November and December are quiet months for new book releases. I had already decided to use this time to get caught up on all the reading I wanted to do but had no time for when I saw that Tanya at 52 books or bust came up with a great idea: Free-Range Reading! In her infinite wisdom there are NO rules to this event—it is whatever I decide. So from today through December 15th I’m choosing to read books from the Roof Beam Reader TBR challenge from the beginning of the year (at which I’m failing), my Goodreads to-read list and whatever else catches my eye. Here’s what I’m thinking so far but there will be more to come:
- Stoner
- Divergent
- The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
- Slow Motion
- We Need to Talk About Kevin
- Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk
- Daring Greatly
- 740 Park
Hooray for free range reading! Last year, I re-read the Harry Potter series for the millionth time during the Nov/Dec lull, and I’m looking forward to actually busting some of my TBR this time around. I haven’t read any of the books on your list, but I’ve heard great things about some of them. Happy reading!
I love me some Free Range Reading!
I usually have time because of the holiday breaks from school. I plan to really lay into some reading this holiday season. I’ve got four books left on my TBR Challenge!
A.J. Fikry is a lovely read — very whimsical and sentimental, but so charming that you can forgive it its excesses. Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk is a brilliant anti-war novel rich with satire and genuine emotion. I hope you love both!
Stoner is high on my list and I’ve ensured I’m going to read it by making it the January book club selection for the bookstore where I work.
Yaaaaaaay free range reading! I hope you have fun! (Really, I can’t imagine not having fun with AJ Fikry.)
Free range reading is the best. ENJOY!! 🙂
I think you are the only person who has written a free range reading post. Well done!! I still haven’t had time to think about it and allegedly I’m running the thing! Friday i will do something. I swear.