Kind of no point in saying it’s hour 17 (even though it is) of Dewey’s Readathon, because I started 4 hours late. However, now is when I’ll really come into my own. At least that’s what my 27-year-old self would say. At my age, I’ll do my best but will probably crash by 2am.
Here’s what’s happened so far:
Readathon Stat Tracker
Pages Read: 418
Hours Read: 8.5
I finished Lexicon and it was fantastic. Intricate, intelligent and totally messed-up- in the best way possible. Still not sure I completely get it but that is my favorite kind of book. I hope to do a real review later.
In the meantime, here’s just one of the activities I may engage in later to help me stay awake!
Shannon @ River City Reading says
Bah! Great video – I might have to do some dancing of my own. I think 2-3 am might be my limit, too.