It’s another Monday (funny how they keep showing up) and I’m back to share what I’m reading now as part of a meme from Sheila at Book Journey. When we met last week there seemed to be a general malaise about good books and reading so I’m hoping things a little peppier for you all. I’m not un-slumped yet except for The Undertaker’s Daughter which I finished this past weekend and really liked. A review should follow later in the week. I also finished I Think You’re Totally Wrong and hope I can get my thoughts to coalesce enough to write something about it. I just don’t read much male-centric non-fiction and so found it hard to stay focused on a book that is nothing but a dialogue between two middle-aged men. I mean, nothing against middle-aged men (I’m married to one) but, well…yes, this need more thought.
Here’s what’s happening this week:

The Rabbit Back Literature Society: this is either going to be really good or make me really mad because a title this wacky can only go one of those two ways.

The Shock of the Fall: this showed up unannounced and is a paperback release but I’m taking a chance on it.

The Deep: I liked Nick Cutter’s first book The Troop– in all its goopy horror so when I had an opportunity to get an e-copy of this one I said yes. Daytime reading only, I don’t do scary at night.
I’m slumping pretty badly right now. 2015 has not gotten off to a good start! I’ve heard mixed reviews of Rabbit Back, but i’m going to give it a try. Love the cover and the title. And if you liked The Troop, I know Cutter’s new one is getting a lot of praise. Good luck.
Tanya, what is it about 2015?! It can’t be us so where are the GREAT books?!
Oh, I heard great thins about The Shock of the Fall when it was out in the UK! I hope it ends up being a good one for you!
Thins, things…same whatever 😉
It’s easiest to write reviews of novels one really liked, isn’t it? It’s so hard to write about novels that didn’t move me that I almost can’t do it.
I just started My Sunshine Away, by M.O. Walsh. So far it’s meh. The viewpoint character’s voice just isn’t drawing me in yet, but it’s early, so I’m hopeful. It’s got impressive endorsements. And the author is a writing workshop leader, has an MFA (don’t mean nothin’, I know) and has had some stories published in reputable places.
We’ll see.
Tinkers by Paul Harding – not a new book – almost finished
starting The Bone Clocks
Love your blog – save them in my book ideas for possible reads
Tinkers is lovely but the sequel Enon is one of the most incredible books I’ve ever read.
I’ll be interested to hear what you think of The Bone Clocks!
Thank you so much for the support- it is greatly appreciated!
I still haven’t steeled myself enough to read The Troop, even though I am so morbidly curious. And now I have this new release to tempt me. Hmmmm.
_Brain on Fire_
Oh boy, Meryl, that is a scary one- because it’s true. To lose your mind, literally, my worst nightmare.
I also read The Troop and liked it, even though I rarely read thrillers or horror novels. (It was Canadian, so I gave it a shot!). I’ll be interested in what you think of this one. I’m hoping it will also be good!
I’ve had my eye on Shock of the Fall. Interested to hear what you think of it!
I have The Rabbit Back Literary Society on request at the library….I’m in the mood for a wacky read, so I hope it comes in soon!
I’m so intrigued by I think You’re Totally Wrong. I tend to like some male-centric fiction and I love that title! I remember you mentioning it earlier and forgot to write it down…thanks for reminding me!
And, yes, totally “meh” on January so far!! I’m starting to doubt my selection abilities!
Maybe, just maybe it could be our selection abilities but I’ve heard it from so many book bloggers that I’m going with “it’s the books not us”!
I’m reading Cutting Teeth by Julia Fierro. It was published last summer, so not a new book. I’m enjoying it so far. An interesting commentary on modern marriage and parenthood.