January was one funky month for reading. Generally, if I read it, you’ll get a review of it, but there were such highs and lows that I couldn’t even do that. Namely, I’d read something not so good, not be able to finish it, and retreat to a strong recommendation from friends and fellow bloggers—usually older books. So, like any good librarian I hit the library and it was the perfect solution because the majority of these books delivered. Enough so, that I reminded myself how much I loved using the library and have now gone a little crazy on my hold list!
This great idea to share library love is from Shannon over at River City Reading. She hosts a link-up event so stop by and see what other readers have found at the library in January.
The Admissions Published by Doubleday
Publication date: August 18th 2015
The Admissions: Modern day family stretched to its emotional and financial limits as they all strive to be the people they’re perceived to be. Humor and truth in equal parts make for good reading.
Ready Player One Publication date: August 16th 2011
Ready Player One: I heard about this sci-fi YA novel from so many people that it’s embarrassing it took me as long to get to it as it did. The only escape from the ugliness that is the U.S. in 2044 is OASIS- an unlimited virtual reality program. When it’s creator dies he starts a treasure hunt within that world that takes users back to his favorite time- the 1980s. Wildly creative and entertaining reading.
A Banquet of Consequences (Inspector Lynley, #19) by Elizabeth George
Published by Viking
Publication date: October 27th 2015
A Banquet of Consequences: The newest Inspector Lynley novel from Elizabeth George. This is book #19 in the series and if you are a fan of mystery at all you really need to start reading these. The focus is on the psychology of the crimes not the violence. One of my favorite series of all times. Never disappoints.
Answered Prayers - The Unfinished Novel Published by Vintage Books
Publication date: January 1st 1970
Answered Prayers: This is Truman Capote’s unfinished novel that was the inspiration for Melanie Benjamin’s The Swans of Fifth Avenue. I’d say stick with that, because with a male prostitute as the protagonist in Answered Prayers it is way more graphic and sordid then I ever expected. There are touches of Capote’s way with words but they’re almost lost in the unending descriptions of every sex act and body part out there. Only thing about this book I LOVED? The cover. Want to frame it.
The Clasp Publication date: October 6th 2015
The Clasp: I hate to get all generational, but this was such a complete dud. Pre-thirtysomething, bored entitled dilettantes who can’t believe life is not going as mummy and daddy promised it would. Really?! So sad. That plus an implausible plot made for painful reading.
On Hold and Looking Forward to
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
If I Forget You by Thomas Christopher Greene (wrote The Headmaster’s Wife, one of my favorite books from 2014 so very anxious to see what he does next)
A Country Road, A Tree by Jo Baker (wrote the fabulous Longbourn– a novel about the life of the servants in the Bennet household of Pride & Prejudice)
The Taxidermist’s Daughter by Kate Mosse
The Three-Year Swim Club by Julie Checkoway (my reading twin (and yes, there is such a thing) Sarah at Sarah’s Book Shelves says this is a must read for a swimming freak like me)
Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld
The Sellout by Paul Beatty
Welcome to Braggsville by T. Geronimo Johnson
The Year of the Runaways by Sunjeev Sagota
Are you normally into sci-fi?! I’m not usually, but feel like I should give Ready Player One a shot…especially now that you raved about it!
And I’ll be reading The Year of the Runaways in the next few weeks as well!
No, I’m not really, but sometimes it’s the best thing to get out of a slump. Ready Player One was just pure fun- like reading a video game- if that makes sense!
Glad you could squeeze in some good ones, and also SO GLAD you enjoyed RPO so much! In regards to your holds, I’ve had terrible luck with Curtis Sittenfeld… but kept giving her a try (having read Prep, American Wife, and SIsterland)… I think I’m finally ready to give up on her and just say she’s not for me.
Ready Player One was such a FUN book – glad you enjoyed it! I didn’t feel the same about his latest, but RPO was just what I needed when I picked it up.
Exactly! It was exciting without violence, kept you thinking but wasn’t a brain drain- perfect reading!
Ahhhh shit. I hate that the Crosley was such a dud. I love her nonfiction, but I can’t imagine I’ll even try picking this one up. Ready Player One has become one of those permanent fixtures on my shelves that I just never manage to get around to. Trying to decide if it’s staying in the house or if I’ll just let it fly. Your good rating is heartening.
I still haven’t read Ready Player One despite the fact that my husband asks me weekly whether I have.
I love that you rediscovered your love of the library because of a slump! The first few library books of 2016 were not exciting but I’ve been on a bit of a roll lately AND Gloria Steinem’s memoir is waiting for me RIGHT NOW.
Bummer about the Truman Capote source material but thanks for saving me from making the same mistake!
Oh, RPO is such fun quick reading!
And the Capote- if you’re in the mood to see how truly biting, trashy, and bitter he could be- those stories show it. Felt sad…
I’m looking forward to Eligible as well but always weary of “reimaginings”. And P&P is one of my fave classics and haven’t found a good one yet.
Me too. When there are more re-imaginings and movies and adaptations than the poor author could ever have imagined the material wears a bit thin. I’ll keep you posted on if Sittenfeld makes a go of it!
I finally added Ready Player One to the TBR. Too many of you have liked it so much! Now I”m just too curious, even though this is not really in my wheelhouse! 🙂