Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
Published by Ballantine Books
Publication date: January 22, 2019
Genres: Chick Lit, Cultural, Debut, Fiction
Bookshop, Amazon
Unmarriageable is one of the winter books I was most looking forward to reading in January. Author Soniah Kamal takes Jane Austen’s beloved Pride & Prejudice and updates it to fit into Pakistan in the year 2000. Every detail is the same, but with an Eastern flair. The Bennetts are the Binats, Darcy is Darsee, and Wickham is Wickaam. Other than name changes Kamal shapes her characters straight from Austen’s mold, with the only differences being that Alys and Jena now work, teaching English. The question is: does the novel work? Or are some classics more difficult to translate to contemporary life?
If you like broad comedy then Unmarriageable will be humorous reading. For me, I appreciated Austen’s subtlety in poking gentle fun at the classism of the times. There is nothing subtle in Kamal’s writing. Mrs. Binat is a dreadfully vulgar, outlandish caricature who cares more for the prestige of getting her daughters properly married than she does for their health. Mr. Binat takes shambling disinterest and laziness to new heights, while Lady (Kitty in the original) is Paris Hilton on steroids. The nuance found in the original is completely gone. Instead, the novel comes off with a sitcom feel complete with oversized characters, stilted humor, and, sometimes, cheesy dialogue.
Later in the novel Kamal does take her foot off the gauche-accelerator and brings to light important issues against women that exist in Pakistani society. These include valuing women’s ‘honor’ by not reporting rape (thereby allowing rapist to continue their crimes), dowry burnings, and honor killings. She handles these with a grace and incisiveness that goes a long way to redeeming the book. All in all, I’d recommend Unmarriageable with the caveat to anyone attached to Austen’s style of writing—this may not appeal. But if you’re a fan of cheesy romcom movies and outrageous theatrics then this will be a quick, fun read.
Unmarriageable is on my TBR list for 2019, but I’ve been very leery of it and was waiting for someone I trust to read it first, so thank you. The reworking of a classic can be a tricky thing with such big shoes to fill and such high expectations. When they’re good, they’re so much fun, but if not….? I think my list just got shorter by one book!
I don’t think this is a retelling you need to read. It devolves into silly and it was only towards the end that it got more balanced.
Interesting. Sounds like quite the contrasting book. I’m glad it handles the serious with the rom-com and I’m definitely still looking forward to reading this one.
I would have preferred more of the serious aspects. It is quite over the top!
ACH. I was looking forward to reading this one, though as a rule I’m not into classic retellings. But you know I trust your judgment so I will probably skip this one. Too many other books to read. Shame though, the premise could have worked with a lighter touch.
I think the overabundance of bad British slang would bother you. There are other retellings that are better.
This one is sitting on my desk at work waiting to be checked out! I am glad to have read your review. I’m going to give it a try, but if it’s not grabbing me by page 50, then I won’t feel the least bit guilty about abandoning it. in fact, my time might be better spent just rereading the original!
There are people who liked it so give it a shot. I may just be old-fashioned. I appreciated the modern day aspects and insight to Pakistani culture but the over-the-top antics of some of the Binats did not enhance the story for me.