Goodbye, July! My first full month of real summer in the Midwest. What I loved: fireflies, thunder and rain storms that last for hours. What is not so much: humidity that flattens me but makes ... Read More...
Thrilling Reading: Mini-Reviews
Sometimes the mood strikes for thrilling reading. It’s not a genre I look to often, but in the beginning of the year it felt like the only kind of reading that satisfied me. Maybe because if it’s done ... Read More...
Broken Monsters
Lauren Beukes covered creepy in her debut The Shining Girls but it doesn't compare to just how mess-with-your-mind she gets in her latest, Broken Monsters. As if Detroit hasn't taken enough hits in ... Read More...
Dominion: A Novel
What-if books can go terribly wrong. They require a great deal of thought, generally because they are written about a time when a change in events would bring a massive change to history. In the novel ... Read More...
The Shining Girls
There was a lot of buzz at Book Expo America about Lauren Beukes’s new novel, The Shining Girls, and for good reason. The most often heard synopsis I heard was “Time Traveler’s Wife meets Silence ... Read More...